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Monday, January 26, 2015

Operation Management Introduction

What is concept of production ?

Production function is‘the part of an organisation, which is concerned with the transformation of a range of inputs into the required outputs (products) having the requisite quality Production is defined as ‘the step-by-step conversion of one form of material into another form through chemical or mechanical process to create or enhance the utility of the product to the user’ 
The production system is ‘that part of an organisation, which produces products of an It is that activity whereby resources, flowing within a defined system, are combined and in a controlled manner to add value in accordance with the policies communicated by A simplified production system is shown below.  
  The production system has the following
 1. Production is an organised activity, so every production system has an objective
 2. The system transforms the various inputs to useful outputs,
 3. It does not operate in isolation from the other organisation system.
 4. There exists a feedback about the activities, which is essential to control and improve porformance.

 We can classified the production system into 4 catagories,
1- Batch production
2- Job production
3- Mass prodution
4- Continuous prodution 

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