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Friday, March 31, 2017

Corporate governance collapse - A tale of Sri Lanka

              01.Applicable corporate governance theory in Airline Industry
There have several corporate governance theories and basically following corporate governance theories can be identified with the Airline industry.
·         Agency theory
·         Stakeholder theory
·         Team production theory
Agency theory
Agency theory concern about maximizing the wealth of the shareholders, or in other words agency theory concern about satisfying investors’ requirements in a productive way. In the Airline industry also the governing party always try to maximize the investors’ funds and perform operations according to the best interest of the owners.
    E.G- Investors invest in Sri Lankan Airline and Mihin Lanka Airline and they appoint Board of Directors (BOD) to act in best interest of the investors. BOD form strategies to satisfy the investors’ requirements in efficient way.
Stakeholder theory
It can see the stakeholder theory also in the Airline industry. Stakeholder theory means, satisfy all the interest parties other than satisfying shareholders.
Employees- Ensure job security, higher wages and salaries
Customers – Quality service, low cost service
Suppliers – Supplier development, settle credits of suppliers
 Most of the organizations are engaging in the CSR on different sectors like health, education and youth empowerment, scholarship, seminars and workshops in order to satisfy all other parties in the society. 

02.01.                       Corporate Governance issues in Airline Industry
02.01.1. Poor strategic decision making
                              Most of the corporate governance collapses in the Airline industry was caused because of the mismanagement of the agents and their poor strategic decision making process. And they have not clearly understood about their key responsibilities towards the success of the organization.             
                                       Sri Lankan Airline had to bear hugh loss because of the A350 Aircraft incident. Because of BOD poor performance and negligent it had to pay USD 17.7 Million as debt servicing charges in order to cancellation for one A350 Aircraft which was bought beyond the requirements.
                           Mihin Lanka also failed when they making strategic decisions. They failed to follow a proper cost –benefit analysis of projects and proposals also. Even they provide budget service package, they failed to manage the cost of service as suitable and appropriate to their package.

                     Not only that, they have diverted from their main purpose of providing a profitable service to investing on other sources. Their investments on other different sources has increased by 208.46% within a one year. 

                                      Further their sales and marketing expenses has raised by 120% within one year. It implies that they have failed to build a good reputation among customers and society because of their poor strategies even though they provide a low cost service. So they have spent owner’s thousands of rupees for advertising purposes other than making a good reputation.


02.01.2. Influence of the Government
                                     Government act as the major shareholder of both Mihin Lanka and Sri Lankan Airline (In SriLankan Airline government hold 51.06%) and they influence unnecessarily on the performance of the Airline Industry. As the main shareholder, government can influence on these organizations for the better performance and shareholder monitoring can be considered as a better external corporate governance mechanism. But the government pay attention only to maximize their self-interest than interest of overall stakeholders. 

                           The Board of directors also failed to maintain independency and to concern about the other shareholders interest too. 

02.01.3. Agency problem
                     Agency problem occurred when the management try to increase their benefits without improving productivity of the Airline industry. Or in other words, Board of Directors try to get financial benefits by misusing owner’s funds.
                              Audit committee of Mihin Lanka recommended “criminal investigation” into instances of alleged corruption which includes reflecting process with brand new aircraft costing USD 2.3 Billion. And also in 2010, Mihin Lanka’s Director emoluments has increased suddenly by 10 times than 2009. This incremental is suspicious as it does not further explained in the accounting notes.

                               Further both Mihin Lanka and Sri Lankan airline has failed to disclose about their direct and indirect directors separately in the annual report. This is a serious issue and the external auditor of Mihin Lanka has clearly mentioned about this failure in their audit report. 

                   -  Mihin Lanka failed to disclose their executive and non-executive directors clearly    

       - SriLankan Airline also failed to mention the executive and non-executive directors clearly. 

02.01.4. Conflict of Interest
                                     The former CEO of the SriLankan airline Mr.Nishantha Wickramasinghe was act as the CEO of the Mihin Lanka also. This showed a conflict of interest because of the two airline organizations started with separate strategic direction and with separate target market segment. One argument was that the CEO will bring synergy of both companies together.
                               And also CEO transferred lots of money from SriLankan Airline to Mihin Lanka and bought catering items from the SriLankan Airline. Most of these transactions were major transactions. So it necessarily created a conflict of interest because Mihin Lanka failed to find a better supplier to buy catering items at low cost. 

        Suggestions to improve level of corporate governance within the Airline industry

01.  In order to minimize the agency problem, and examine the director board activities and board composition within corporates which are government hold share ownership, it can appoint an independent committee which accountable to reveal perfo0rmance of these corporations to parliament and public.

02.  Promote and motivate internal and external mechanisms of corporate governance in order to maintain proper governance.
   e.g- By improving proper labor market, poorly performing directors would not be able to re-elect in same position in another corporate.

03.  Lack of strategic decisions are mainly caused by lack of commercial sense in the business      and their inefficiency of the operations. By implementing a system more focus on business process re-engineering, organizational restructuring or reforming.   
04.  Establish a system to collect customer feedback on the service they received and set strategies as the overall performance increase, properly audit internal control system and the behavior of the directors.

01. Annual report SriLankan Airline 2014-15

02. Annual report Mihin Lanka 

03. SriLankan Airline news   

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